NextGen will comply with and respond to any subpoena or other court order presented to us by a valid court entity or law enforcement agency. Subpeona requests for a client’s hosting data or other information should include the following information:
- The domain name or IP address of the site in question.
- Date and time information about the information requested.
- The specific content requested (all public-facing files, all emails*, everything).
- Whether the subpeona may be shown or disclosed to the client.
Subpeona requests are accepted via email and should be sent to Subpeona requests are normally disclosed to the affected client(s) unless the agent producing the subpeona specifically requests that it does not get disclosed. NextGen’s legal team prioritizes subpeona requests higher than other abuse cases and we generally respond to valid subpeonas very quickly.
Disclosure of Emails
The Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. § 2701-2712, prevents electronic communications service providers from disclosing the content of electronic communications. Due to this law, NextGen’s legal team will specially review any incoming subpeonas which require email records to be disclosed. It is important to note that not all NextGen clients host their email with us. In cases where a client hosts their email with a third party provider such as Google, we are not able to provide access to or copies of email records. Finally, NextGen does not maintain copies of deleted or otherwise destroyed email records.