We pride ourselves on always being available to help clients and potential clients with any questions they might have about our services. Detailed information on how to reach us anytime is listed below.
Contact Support
eMail Support: support*nextgenwebhosting.com
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Contact Sales & Billing
eMail Sales: sales*nextgenwebhosting.com
eMail Billing: billing*nextgenwebhosting.com
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Who Do I Contact?
NextGen Support Staff are standing by to assist current clients with any issues regarding the technical operations of their site. Have a question with cPanel or need help uploading a file to your website? Our highly trained support personnel are the right people to contact.
NextGen Sales Staff answers questions from potential clients about our services. NextGen Sales Staff also assist current customers with upgrading their account. Need help switching from another hosting provider and choosing the right NextGen plan or do you need to add more space to your current hosting account? NextGen Sales personnel are ready to help.
DMCA copyright infringement notices, subpeonas and Acceptable Use Policy violation notices should be sent to our Legal and Abuse Teams. Contact information for those teams can be found found on the Legal section of our website here.